Partner with CareRelay

We help insurance companies offer better service to their members by providing an app that allows care teams to connect through a single hub. Caregiver stress is reduced by centralizing information and communication, allowing the care team to focus on their loved one’s care needs.

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Employees Assistance Programs help organizations to meet employee needs and CareRelay helps EAPs as a partner to boost their technology offering to employees who are caregivers as well as offering them a tool to manage their personal health care needs in one place.

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Human Resources departments support employee well-being in the workplace, including caring for their families in times of need. CareRelay is the HR department's technology partner in supporting employees who are caregivers. Employees are encouraged to sign up for CareRelay themselves to be prepared in the event of a personal illness or disability.

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Unions and associations support their members at home and in their workplaces. CareRelay offers a technology solution to support caregiver members in looking after their own health-care needs as well as those of loved ones.

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Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) offer supportive programming to help caregivers cope with their responsibilities. These can include self-help services, informal counselling, recreation, and instruction. CareRelay is the LHIN’s technology partner supporting those who are looking after loved ones with long-term care needs.

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CareRelay provides an opportunity to focus on symptom relief through better home care management, which contributes to reducing ER visits, in-patient admissions and overnight stays. CareRelay provides the tools for patients, hospitals and care teams to communicate effectively for better health outcomes.

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